Friday, April 1, 2016

Summer Time Skin Care

As a type this blog and look out my window to rain and snow, I find it hard to believe just last week, as I was walking my dog, I was thinking how glorious of a day it was.  The weather was so nice and warm and changes so quickly!  Even though snow is potentially in the forecast, now that it's April, I know that the warmer and sunnier months are just around the corner.  Even though skin care is always important, when the extra factor of the heat and the sun is included, it's even more important.

I was recently inspired by Dollar Shave Club to compile a blog of all of my summer skin care/protection tips. I originally couldn't believe that I hadn't already cover this topic!  I am a fair skinned person who has to constantly think about my skin during the warmer Montana months.  All of the ideas listed in this blog are mine and I wasn’t paid to write this blog, just inspired to write about a topic that I know well and should have written about a long time ago!!

Here are my summer time skin care and sun protection tips!  I am a really fair skinned person and living in Montana we can easily break a hundred degrees during the summer, I have learned a thing or two!

1 – Sun Screen!! Sun screen and lots of it!  As soon as the weather starts getting slightly nicer, I throw a bottle into my purse and keep it there almost until the snow falls later in the year.  

Start every year with new bottles.  Toss out the old ones and start fresh!  It’s important to purchase a new bottle every year; it can go bad, especially if it gets hot.  With my super fair skin, I’ve decided not to chance it and buy new bottles every year.

When I am getting ready for the day and I know that I’m going to be out an about, I apply sun screen as I get dressed and then multiple times during the day.  Make sure to read the directions on your bottles, some have instructions about how often to re-apply depending on what activity you are doing.  Don’t forget the tops of your feet (if in sandals), back of your neck, and ears!

Another type to consider while getting ready is to look for beauty products that have sunscreen in them.  This doesn’t take away from the importance of applying actual sunscreen, but this is a simple step to help ensure your skin is protected.  I use a Mary Kay Day Solution that has sunscreen in it year round.  Sun protection is important during all 12 months of the year!!

2 – Keep yourself covered!! Hats, sunglasses, and sitting in covered areas are simple things that will definitely help.  It goes without saying that direct exposure to sun increases your chance for a sun burn and sun damage.  If you can keep yourself covered, you definitely decrease your chances.  I pretty much always have sunglasses and a hat in my car.  Makes it easy to just grab and go!

Something else to think about, finding places to sit that are covered.  My boyfriend plays a lot of softball.  When I say a lot, I mean a lot!  I joke that he plays softball like it’s a professional sport. He loves it and I love getting to watch him play.  This means, lots of days spent at the ball field.  To keep my slef protected and to help keep myself from overheating, I am always on the hunt for areas that are covered or to find shade.  I have even seen spectators with chairs that have their own little awning attached to their chair!  I’m kind of jealous!

3 – Choosing the time of day wisely when deciding to do an activity. This one is fairly easy and I think kind of goes without saying.  Pick when you are going to do outside activities to avoid the hottest time of the day.  Don’t go out and mow the lawn at 1:00 on a day when it’s 80 degrees!  If at all possible, try to do it in the morning or evenings.

4 – Water, water, water!  This is so important for lots of reasons, it isn't a skin protection aspect, but it's definitely important for skin care.  Staying hydrate will assist in any healthy skin journey.

5 – Keeping your skin moisturized - The sun can be harmful to the skin.  During the summer I'm a big fan of doing a mask that is a little more moisturizing after I've spent some time out in the sun.  A day spent by water or on the softball field is often followed up the next day with a little more attention to my face. Also, keeping the rest of your skin moisturized will help it recover from skin exposure.

6 – Get yourself a good razor and shaving cream!  Who doesn't want  soft legs during the summer?  Throwing on a nice summer dress is definitely ruined if you have legs not shaved or the dreaded razor nicks/burn.  Plus, nicks and burn can be so uncomfortable and annoying to deal with.  

Since I'm too much of a wimp to jump on the waxing train, I'm in a long term relationship with me razor and I replace it often!!  As soon as it is dull you run the risk of cutting yourself or causing razor burn. Plus, razors just get gross!

Just as important as your razor is the product that you shave with.  You want something that moisturizes but helps protect your skin during the actual shaving process.  I am currently using the Mary Kay 2-in-1 Shave and Body Wash but have also used many bottles of the Skintimate shaving creams over the years.  I personally have learned that a product that is more of a body wash consistency works better for me than the creamy/foaming types

As I mentioned above, the concept of this blog was inspired by Dollar Shave Club (DSC).  DSC is a subscription service that has lots of products, including razors (link). I was honestly first introduced to the company when Emily with Beauty Broadcast Express on YouTube did a review with her husband on the One Wipe Charlies (Link).  It was a funny video and definitely worth checking out  (Link).  Plus, Emily and her husband are very entertaining! 

Anyways, back to the original topic! Ha! I thought that this was was the perfect time to try out their razors (link).  I honestly had just put razors on my shopping list and figured for the price, it was worth trying.  I jumped on to their site and checked out their packages and products.   

The Humble Twin - $1.00 plus $2.00 shipping - Basic shaver, 2 stainless steel blades, 5 cartridges per month, with lubricating strip.

The 4x - $6.00 with free shipping – 4 stainless steel blades, 4 cartridges per month, full 90-degree pivot head.

The Executive - $9.00 with free shipping - 6 stainless steel blades, 4 cartridges per month, special trimmer edge built in.

I decided to pick the middle of the road shaver, the 4x. It’s currently set to ship to me at the end of the month.  As soon as I have had some time to try out the razor I will post a review!!  It’s worth mentioning that DSC has a ton of other products too.  The One Wipe Charlies, I mentioned above, creams and lotions for shaving, and sunscreen!  It’s definitely worth taking a look at the site (Link). 

So lovelies, during the coming warmer months remember that simple changes in your everyday life can make your skin that much better during the summer months.  Keeping yourself protected, hydrated, out of the sun as much as possible, and using the best type of hair removal process possible will help keep your skin in better shape!  Let’s face it, we don’t want to be dwelling and obsessing over our skin care during the nice months.  Montana only gets a few months of warm months during the year.  I want to be out enjoying it, not worrying about my skin protection!!

Until next time ... Xoxo,

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