Ok - so I have to admit something... in preparation for this post, I obviously have to keep my empty products. Which means I have this basket of empty products sitting on the desk I use as a vanity.. which essentially makes me feel like a trash hoarder!! ... So, to free myself of a little garbage in my life, it's time to share my trash with you!! Here we go...
Dry shampoo - Yes, I know there are four different types of dry shampoo in this picture, but for a while I was on the hunt for the perfect dry shampoo. I used the tresemme one, I'm not sure what the exact name of it is, but it's the one with the green cap and black bottle. It worked just fine, but the thing I hated was the smell. It wasn't a bad smell by any means. I could just smell it throughout the day and I felt that it was slightly overpowering. Not my favorite. So, the hunt began for one that I loved.
I first tried the Batiste brand.. Even though only two are pictured, I have tried three. I can't remember the name of the one I tried first (sorry!) but the ones pictured are the Dark & Deep Brown and the Original. Both of these are great. They don't have an overpowering smell and the Dark & Deep Brown one is tinted. Which means if you have dark colored hair, you don't have to worry about getting that white cast that some dry shampoos. In addition they actually work. I know, right? A product that does what it says it should! Make sure that you rub in any excess to your hair and watch your hair come back to life. Another bonus, I feel like this keeps working throughout the day. Bonus!
Suave - Of the four pictured, this one is probably my least favorite. Don't get me wrong, it works and I'm not saying that I wouldn't re-purchase it .. It's just, if I had a choice, this probably wouldn't be the one I'm reaching for. I feel like there is a fine line between applying the right amount of product and too much. This is one that can cause that white cast on your hair super easily. There are times when I would use this, do my hair, and then at some point I would catch myself in a mirror and I would feel like my hair almost looked grey in spots. I found that I could easily avoid this but applying this to my hair, letting it sit, and then kind of rubbing it in. Most of the time I could avoid the white cast, but I had to be very aware of the amount of product I was using. I don't know about you, but when I'm usually using dry shampoo, it's usually because I'm running late and need to get out the door quickly. On those days, I don't want to have to think too much about the products I'm using.
Garnier Fructis, Volume Extend, Dry Shampoo - This one, by far, is my favorite. All of the good qualities listed above, this one has. In addition, I am in love with the smell!! No surprise there because most Garnier products smell amazing! This product is so easy to use, you don't get a white cast, and it's long lasting. Something I've started doing on nights when I know the next morning I am not planning on washing my hair, I'll spray a bit of this in the areas I tend to get the most oil. Then when I wake up the next morning, this product has been working throughout the night and there is less oil to deal with. I also like to use this on freshly washed
hair. Sometimes I find that my hair when it is freshly washed can be a bit to slick and has a hard time holding a style. Adding just a touch of this adds a bit of texture and can make styling a bit easier.

Eye makeup remover - This is something I'm constantly using, using up, and re-purchasing... and to be honest, there's only one type I use and it's the Mary Kay Oil-Free Makeup Remover. I have used this stuff constantly for 7 or 8 years. Here's a little bit of a disclaimer - I am a Mary Kay Consultant, but I am for personal use only and so that I can get the consultant discount. I have a few friends who regularly purchase things from me (one being this very item), but I am not doing this for a career or to make money. I just love a few products and have yet to find any other ones to replace them with... Now, on to the product... This stuff is pretty much the most amazing eye make up remover I have ever used... I remember using noth Clinique and Neutrogea's eye makeup remover but the Mary Kay one knocks those out of the park. It's removes all eye make up, even waterproof, with ease. No tugging, residue, or left over make up!! It's awesome and I am never without it!

Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3 in 1 Foundation - Pictured above is shade 820 and 840. What I love about this product is it applies easily, evens out your skin tone, but doesn't completely wash you out. Your skin still looks natural but just better. I have loads a freckles and too full coverage products can tend to make me look plastic by covering them up. the 3 in 1 foundation allows me to even out my skin tone but still look natural. I still need to add some concealer to cover up the ever hated under eye circles and any bad blemishes I have, but for the most part, this product can cover most things.
Until next time loves!