Friday Lovelies! We survived the week! Today, I’ve got another review for you! Woohoo! A few weeks ago in my Summer Time Skin Care blog, I discussed my tips for skin care now that the summer months are upon us. One of the tips I discussed was having a good razor and I talked about Dollar Shave Club.
Dollar Shave Club is a subscription service for all things relating to razors. They have post shave balm, shaving balm, and of course razors! I am pretty stuck on my current shaving cream, but decided to check out what they are most known for, their razors.
So, I went and checked out their website. What I first liked about this company is how easy their website is to navigate. I was able to easily order on my phone and it only took me a few moments.
There are three packages to choose from, click HERE to check out the packages.
The Humble Twin - $1.00 plus $2.00 shipping - Basic shaver, 2 stainless steel blades, 5 cartridges per month, with lubricating strip.
The 4x - $6.00 with free shipping – 4 stainless steel blades, 4 cartridges per month, full 90-degree pivot head.
The Executive - $9.00 with free shipping - 6 stainless steel blades, 4 cartridges per month, special trimmer edge built in.
I decided to pick the 4x. Knowing that this was going to be used on my legs and the dread knee area, I figured the 90-degree pivoting head would be a wonderful bonus.
When I placed my order I was originally told that it wasn’t going to ship until April 27th, but was surprised when I got home from work and found the package on my doorstep on April 4th. I was super impressed with how quickly the product shipped.
Your first package comes with the razor handle and this package comes with four razor heads. I also had sample size of the shave butter, which I haven’t tried out yet.
I honestly have to say, when surprised me the most when I opened the packaging was how substantial the razor handle was! It’s got a good weight to it, definitely 100 times better than my normal razor. I’ve been a fan of all of the Venus razors for years, and this is tons better!
Now, I have to say, after using this razor, I’m not sure I could go back to any of the store bought ones I’ve gotten before. Not only is the more heavy duty handle super nice. The handle wasn’t something I ever thought would matter on a razor, but it does. It sits in your hand so nicely and makes it easy to maneuver around.
As for the blades, they are wonderful. They are nice and sharp and allow you to get a nice close shave. Here’s the seller for me. I have always had super super sensitive skin. I have to be very careful with what products I use to shave with. I get razor burn and nicks/cuts all the time. It can be miserable. But here’s the thing, I have yet to have any problems!! I have had nothing but a super smooth and close shave every single time.
As for the price; you have the option to have your package ship every month or every other month. Considering that even if you have this ship every month, even with the most expensive package, it’s only going to be $9.00 a month! I doubt there is a single decent razor at the drug store that you can get for that price!!
Here’s the great thing about the auto shipment … You should be replacing your razor often. Especially when you think about all the places that as a lady you could be using a razor … legs, arms, bikini … It just grosses me out to think about an old razor. It’s just not sanitary! Also, a dull razor has a higher risk of giving you nicks and razor burn. With the auto shipment, you’re going to be getting new razor heads automatically and you don’t even have to think about it. They just show up on your door step.
I don’t know about you, but I love when I just don’t even have to think about things and it just happens! It’s a lazy girls dream!!!
I honestly don’t think that you have anything to use trying this product out. I am so happy I did. With the quality of the product, the price, and the convenience … It’s all a winning combination!!
Until next time … xoxo