Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday Morning Coffee - Softball Season Is Here

Happy Monday lovelies! Yes, I know, that’s an oxymoron!! But, lets grab our coffee and sit down an chat! Let’s get to our Monday Morning Coffee!!

Today I am going to address the impending thing in my life… Softball season … Yep, it's that time of year again… Gearing up for softball season.  I finally wrote down the tournaments (see picture below) that I am already aware of, and just looking at it overwhelms me!  Between the tournaments and the normal on goings of life, we are pretty much booked all summer. Memorial Day to the first weekend of August, we have something every weekend... and then in August there are state tournaments.  I, however, call it quiets once state hits. This year the tournaments are just too far away for my liking and it's too dang hot in Montana come August!!  Now if I was playing, it may be a different story, but just being a spectator, I get to pick and choose the away tournaments I go to.

This is my third season as a Softball Widow... Some people are Golf Widows and others are Hunting Widows... I however, am the significant other of someone who is OBSESSED with softball!! I'm sure this comes from growing up being a baseball player.  It's something that's in his blood, both is parents played.  He played from little league all the way up to college.  If I'm being honest, part of me wishes I was dating him when he played in college.  I wish I could have seen that!! But now, it’s softball, and I love watching him play.  It is a unique thing to get to sit back and watch your boyfriend do something that brings him so much joy!

Softball season for recreational softball starts for us in Montana in middle to late April.  Summer season runs until August and then fall ball starts and runs until October.  When we first started dating my boyfriend made a joke about playing softball from snow melt to snow fall.  Well, at the time I thought it was a joke.  Now I know, it wasn't a joke and is pretty much the truth!!

Once the full season gets into swing, my life is spent in the bleachers or dug out at the softball fields!  I have my moments when it gets to be a bit much, the BF does play on 5 teams.  Yep, you read that right, 5! …

1 – Men’s Slow Pitch
2 – Co-Ed Slow Pitch
3 – Men’s Fast Pitch City League
4 – Men’s Fast Pitch Blackfoot League
5 – Men’s Slow Pitch Traveling Team

It can become slightly insane.  However, after two other seasons, I think I have developed a way to get through it in once piece and with most of my sanity!! .. I’ll share my tips throughout the season, to help my fellow softball widows! We must stick together you know!!!

I have to say though; it’s been a long winter! I miss seeing our softball friends! We go from seeing them pretty close to every day to few and far between! It group we have is made up of wonderful people and I am looking forward to seeing everyone again!
In preparation of the upcoming season, I am cherishing all the time that I get with the BF! We are even planning a mini get away for both our weekends in a few weeks! Lots to look forward too!!

Hope you are all surviving your Monday!  I think I may need another cup of coffee! But I do know one thing, we’ll survive!!

